mercoledì 20 dicembre 2023

"La Musica è Sacra"


The album "La Musica è Sacra" is a studio remake of a performance given in Firenze in 2022, March 4th. Originally conceived as a tribute to the Italian songwriter Claudio Rocchi, it has become an ode to the spiritual power of Music.



Amazing eclectic ambient orchestra. Seven artists from three countries: Marco Lucchi, Marco Billi aka Jarguna, Dario Derek Lucchi, Ilaria Boffa and Massimo Amato from Italy; Henrik Meierkord from Sweden, and Wilfried Hanrath from Germany.

Marco Lucchi - mellotron, synthesizers and piano (1,2,4,5)

Marco Billi aka Jarguna - modular synthesizer and electronic percussions 
Henrik Meierkord - cello, zither and synthesizer (4,5)
Dario Derek Lucchi - french horn (1,2,5)

Wilfried Hanrath - bass, electric guitar and drums (1)

Ilaria Boffa - voice (5)

Massimo Amato - synthesizers (5)

Mastered by Marco Lucchi
Picture by Dionis Afonichev (Dionisaf)
Artwork and cover design by Dionis Afonichev (Dionisaf)

mercoledì 6 dicembre 2023

"Furore che sogna"

 Marco Lucchi : mellotron and synthesizers


"Nel Museo nazionale romano di palazzo Altemps si conserva una testa in marmo che secondo la tradizione rappresenta un’Erinni addormentata. Gli occhi chiusi, i ciuffi dei capelli scarmigliati sulla fronte e la guancia, le labbra appena dischiuse, il volto della Furia – se di una Furia si tratta, sia essa Aletto, Megera o Tisifone – riposa quieto su un cuscino di buio marmo, come se sognasse.
Una furia che invece di gemere e urlare, scuotendo la chioma serpentina, chiude gli occhi e sogna, smentisce se stessa. Eppure proprio e soltanto il sogno o il sonno di una furia assomiglia al pensiero. Il pensiero non è soltanto contemplazione, è innanzitutto furore. Si dà pensiero, si dà contemplazione, solo se prima vi è stato furore, se guardando l’abominio degli umani e del mondo, la mente – diceva Bruno – discesa «ne la parte più inferna… si sente lacerare e sbranare». E solo se nel nostro eroico furore riusciamo a chiudere gli occhi e sognare, si ha vera quiete, si ha visione e teoria. I nostri sogni non sono allora fantasie a occhi aperti, che sappiamo ingannevoli e vane, ma verità a cui, anche se con gli occhi chiusi, non possiamo non credere, perché abbiamo prima visto la vendetta e l’errore. Il pensiero è questo acquietarsi del furore, è un’Erinni che sogna."

Giorgio Agamben


music by Marco Lucchi

lunedì 6 novembre 2023

"Haiku" [vol. 3]

this is the third volume of the sonic watercolors I have composed for the Naviar Haiku project

you can stream and download the previous albums of my 'haiku' pieces here:


music by
Marco Lucchi : piano, Mellotron, synthesizers and tape

with contributions from
Night Note : synthesizers and piano (1)
Stan Magendanz : synthesizers (3)
ikjoyce : synthesizers (8)

* thanks to the Naviar Haiku project for the suggestions

venerdì 20 ottobre 2023

"The whole constitution of my spirit is one of hesitancy and of doubt" [piano patterns n​°​14]


it is the sixth album dedicated to the second series of the 'piano patterns'
original piano composition by
Marco Lucchi
featuring reworks and re-interpretations from
Pete Swinton
Mean Flow
Henrik Meierkord
Night Note
Vanessa Pettendorfer
Rosin Dust
"It is necessary now that I should tell what manner of man I am. My name, it matters not, nor any other outward detail particular to me. Of my character aught must be said.
The whole constitution of my spirit is one of hesitancy and of doubt. Nothing is or can be positive to me; all things oscillate round me, and I with them, an uncertainty unto myself. All for me is incoherence and change. All is mystery and all is meaning. All things are «unknown» symbolic of the Unknown. Consequently horror, mystery, over-intelligent fear.
By my own natural tendencies, by the surroundings of my earliest life, by the influence of studies undertaken under the impulse of them (these very tendencies), by all this I am of the internal species of character, self-centred, mute, not self-sufficing but self-lost. All my life has been one of passiveness and of dream. All my character consists in the hatred, in the horror of, in the incapacity pervading all that is me, physically and mentally, for decisive acts, for definite thoughts. I had never a resolution born of a self-command, never an external betraying of a conscious will. My writings were none of them finished; new thoughts intruded ever, extraordinary, inexcludable associations of ideas bearing infinity for term. I cannot prevent my thought's hatred of finish; about a single thing ten thousand thoughts, and tenthousand inter-associations of these ten thousand thoughts arise, and I have no will to eliminate or to arrest these, nor to gather them into one central thought, where their unimportant but associated details may be lost. They pass in me;
they are not my thoughts, but thoughts that pass through me. I do not ponder, I dream; I am not inspired, I rave. I can paint, but I have never painted; I can compose music, but I have never composed. Strange conceptions in three arts, lovely strokes of imagining caress my brain; but I let them slumber there till they die, for I have not power to give them their body, to make them things of the world outside.
My character of mind is such that I hate the beginnings and the ends of things, for they are definite points. The idea of a solution being found for problems the highest, the noblest, of science, of philosophy, afflicts me; that aught might be determined of God or of the world horrorizes me. That things of most moment should be accomplished, that men should one day all be happy, that a solution might be found to the ills of society, even in its conception maddens me. Yet I am not evil nor cruel; I am mad and that as it is difficult to conceive.
Though I have been a reader voracious and ardent, yet I remember no book that I have read, so far were my reading states of my own mind, dreams of my own, nay, provocations of dreams. My very memory of events, of external things is vague, more than incoherent. I shudder to think how little I have in mind of what my past life has been. I, the man who holds that today is a dream, am less than a thing of today."
Fernando Pessoa
(originally written in English)

mercoledì 20 settembre 2023

"Mossa och Sten"

  a triptych of organic and dreamy soundscapes

the original compositions are by Henrik Meierkord

Marco Lucchi adds some synthesizer's sounds and mixed down the sonic materials

enjoy also a video presentation here:


released September 13, 2023

music by
Henrik Meierkord - cello
Marco Lucchi : synthesizers

venerdì 11 agosto 2023

"The Living Room"

Nel mese di Luglio la famiglia Meierkord è passata a salutarci. Io e Henrik ne abbiamo approfittato per suonare qualcosa insieme. Niente di particolarmente impegnativo: una sorta di 'warm up', che è diventata una 'session' nel mio piccolo salotto. Abbiamo utilizzato soprattutto dei 'loop' che avevo sul mio JamMan, improvvisando su di essi, o anche più liberamente. Le registrazioni sono parecchio 'lo-fi', provenendo prevalentemente da un dittafono piazzato al centro della stanza, ma crediamo che siano comunque una buona testimonianza della nostra intesa musicale e umana, e del piacere di essersi conosciuti anche di persona. 

In July the Meierkord family came by to say hello to us. Henrik and I took the opportunity to play something together. Nothing demanding: a sort of 'warm up', which has become a 'session' in my small living room. We mostly used some 'loops' I had on my JamMan, improvising over them, or even more freely. The recordings are quite 'lo-fi', mainly coming from a dictaphone placed in the center of the room, but we believe they are a good testimony of our musical and human entente and of the pleasure of meeting each other in person. 


released August 2, 2023

music by
Marco Lucchi : loops, piano, mellotron, flute and synthesizers
Henrik Meierkord : cello


you can enjoy some footages of the session right here

plus an extra droning session in the park, here

the videos are filmed and edited by Terese Mörnvik

giovedì 15 giugno 2023

giovedì 30 marzo 2023

sabato 25 marzo 2023

venerdì 10 marzo 2023

mercoledì 15 febbraio 2023

sabato 21 gennaio 2023